Then there’s also a Boss Rush option available for each game as well as a Mission Mode that offers up a series of objective-based versions of levels where you’ll need to meet goals in order to unlock harder missions and earn plenty of the all-important coins. Story Mode, on the other hand, puts all four games and the new animated sequences in chronological order (Sonic 1, Sonic CD, 2 and then 3) in one long run with Sonic as the only playable character. THE CHEAPEST COPY: $54.99 AT AMAZON WITH FREE SHIPPING. Yep, no game over screens here – with unlimited lives everything instantly becomes a lot more accessible than before. Playing any of the titles in Anniversary Mode gets you essentially the same game, but with widescreen support and the ability to choose Sonic, Tails or Knuckles as the playable character (no Lock-On technology needed!) as well as the removal of lives. You can play the games in their original, 4:3 forms in Classic Mode if you like, but the new Anniversary/Story modes are where it’s at. There are also multiple new ways to play the four included games, with everything tied into a central ecosystem of collectible coins. Each game also has its own animated intro and ending sequences, which look fantastic. It’s not quite the all-encompassing collection that we’ve seen in the past, omitting games like Sonic Spinball and Sonic 3D Blast, but the trade-off is these are faithful and pristine ports.

On top of the games themselves, there are a handful of extra modes and a museum of unlockables spanning the blue blur’s most historic years. Sonic Origins serves up the SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis versions of the original three Sonic the Hedgehog games as well as Sonic CD, all recreated in the same “Retro Engine” used to power 2017’s Sonic Mania. VIDEO PRESENTED BY FINAL FANTASY XVI: COMING EXCLUSIVELY TO PLAYSTATION 5 ON JUNE 22ND.